To be honest there were high expectations all round - from myself and everyone else I’ve been talking to. I keep on getting a load of messages like “aaahhh your garden must be all magical now that you have the time” and “ooohh I can’t wait to see what you’ve done”.
Unfortunately, the reality is vastly different. It hasn’t rained properly in almost 2 months! This is fine however, as I like watering my plants - it’s kinda relaxing. On top of that our mulching over the raised beds is holding the moisture quite well too, which is essential for the seedlings.
The golden rule we swore by was; don’t plant any seedlings out before May because of the potential late frosts! So we didn’t but of course potatoes are the exception here. Anyways, April was a fine month, but we’ve played by the rules and planted all the babies out in May.
What weather forecast?!
I don’t know what kind of weather forecast we are looking at but there has been a little bit of frost some nights and unfortunately the potatoes, corn, beans and courgettes didn’t take it well. I read an article that it was the coldest night ever recorded in May for Northern Ireland, some places plummeting to -6.9 oC! Even in the polytunnel, all the tomatoes had bad frost damage. Peppers, beans pffff…. Only the brassicas weren’t bothered by the frost. Thankfully they don’t mind the cold. So, worst case scenario; we will eat kale with cabbages the whole year around (unless the slugs get them first). It’s still May. We will replant whatever we can. No frost is forecast apparently.

Every year is different, some years we can grow beetroot really well, other years the beetroot harvest is really bad. This year the weather is taking its toll on the garden…it makes me wonder about the future and it’s clearly a sign of climate change. We adapt however we can, but it’s not like there is much we can do when it comes to frost. This is just a clear example of why our whole attitude needs to change towards nature. Climate change is a very real and ever-growing issue. It’s just the beginning. I don’t know when humanity will take this seriously which is very saddening but I guess you see it more if you are effected directly like me.
I’ve digressed (a common occurrence for me).
Anyways, growing your own food is a great teacher! It keeps you humble, it makes you respect the food and most importantly it teaches you to try not to waste food. It teaches patience, which I lack quite often haha. Honestly, you learn so many life skills which I absolutely love. Life is definitely a little sweeter when you have a kitchen garden. Even if things are not looking the best just yet, I am positive that we will find a way if we are working with nature to make this space abundant and I don’t just mean for the slugs!
Long live the veg….and I mean it…..please no more frost!